The why and when our patients would benefit from having a dental crown placed.
A dental joke we love is, When my Dentist said I needed a crown, I replied,
“Yes I know right, one that’s shiny like a tiara?”
A lot of our patients ask us what a crown is and wonder why we have recommended one to restore their tooth.
Crowns look like a natural tooth only are much stronger, so protect the underlying tooth. They are a more precise restoration when compared with a regular ‘filling’. The tooth is prepared by your dentist, then a scan or impression of your tooth is sent to a special dental laboratory. The dental technician returns the precisely fabricated crown to us to be fitted and bonded to your tooth by your dentist.
They can last for many more years than a routine restoration, as they are made from porcelain and precious metals. They restore good chewing function to worn or broken teeth when other restorations are inadequate.
Why would you need a crown?
A crown protects the underlying tooth by holding it together to prevent it from breaking. It is recommended for the following reasons.
Ageing or Damaged Teeth:
Just like the rest of our body our teeth start to wear out and over time the risk of them fracturing increases. Sometimes a fracture extends right into the root or nerve resulting in the removal of the tooth. Crowns restore teeth that are broken, worn down, or have been significantly damaged by decay or large fillings. They provide a durable and long-lasting solution, allowing the tooth to function normally.
Protection After Root Canal Treatment:
When root canal treatment has been required to save a tooth (by removing the nerve inside the tooth) the tooth becomes ‘non-vital’ and is weaker than a vital or an ‘alive’ tooth.
Improving Appearance:
Crowns can improve the appearance of teeth that are discoloured or have an irregular shape. They are often used in cosmetic dentistry to enhance the overall look of a patient’s smile. Depending on your individual dental needs as an alternative to crowns, we will consider other procedures that improve the appearance of your teeth including bonded resin, porcelain veneers or tooth whitening and discuss the advantages or disadvantages of each option with you.
Restoring Dental Implants:
Crowns are used to cover dental implants, which serve as artificial roots. The crown provides the visible, functional part of the implant, allowing it to look and operate like a natural tooth.
Anchoring Dental Bridges:
When replacing missing teeth with a bridge, crowns are used to anchor the bridge to the adjacent healthy teeth. This ensures the bridge is stable and securely held in place.
Dental crowns require the same care as natural teeth, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to ensure they remain in good condition.
In summary:
Dental crowns play a crucial role in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry, offering protection, functionality, and improved aesthetics for patients’ teeth.
Claiming your annual limit from your health fund:
If you have dental health insurance you may be eligible to claim for one crown per year, but this benefit doesn’t roll over to the following year.
Sometimes patients benefit from having multiple crowns placed at the same time resulting in some saving for you, but is case by case considered and can be discussed with your dentist at your consultation appointment.
In our practice towards the end of the calendar year we find that it is often difficult to coordinate appointments to have a crown completed due to a much higher demand for appointments.
If you would benefit from having a crown placed, we recommend booking an appointment before October to avoid the disappointment of missing out on your health fund’s annual limit.
Please contact one of our friendly receptionist’s to find out more or to book an appointment to discuss the details and costs with one of our dentists.