Competitive Rates Starting From $3000.
Dr Bastow and Dr Chye offer clear and metal braces for Adults & Teenagers. Offering convenience and value for money. Payment Plans are Available.
*Please note this is for partial Braces only. Full Braces starting from $5800.
If you wish for beautiful straight teeth – Braces treatment could be your solution
The benefits of having straight teeth include:
- Having a confident smile, which gives greater self-esteem
- Having a correct bite improves the function of the teeth when chewing
- Prevention of future problems relating to jaw pain, tooth wear and fractured teeth
- Properly aligned teeth are easier to keep clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease
Complete Dental have been looking after the orthodontic needs of our patients for a number of years, Dr Roger Bastow and Dr Alvin Chye have extensive training and have completed hundreds of orthodontic cases.
Although both Practice owners are not specialist Orthodontists, they have had extensive training, and have completed many orthodontic cases for both young and not so young patients. If your case is more challenging, we will refer you to see a Specialist Orthodontist.
It is important to check with your health fund provider to find out what rebate you will receive prior to your orthodontic treatment.
Our consultation process involves 2 appointments:
- The initial appointment with any of our professional staff, involves assessment of what bite classification your teeth fit into, along with a discussion about your concerns relating to your teeth.
- We then take records of your teeth including impressions for study models, photographs and 2 larger x-rays, which are viewed and assessed prior to your second consultation.
The second consultation is with either Dr Roger or Dr Alvin to discuss the findings of the records and x-ray assessment. The final estimation of costs and treatment options are presented to you during this appointment.
Most orthodontic treatments take 18 months to 2 years with regular adjustment visits and at Complete Dental you will have ongoing general dental care support as well.
The advantages of having your orthodontic treatment with us are convenience and value for money.
We are committed to quality orthodontic care with great results. If you do have any concerns during your treatment, we are here till-6:00pm Monday- Thursday, till 5pm on Fridays, and Saturday till 2:00 for your convenience. Please call 3396 4094 for any enquiries regarding Braces.